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Calling all women ready to make a stand for your own health…

Bust These 10 Myths And Take Back Control Of Your Health

As a doctor, I know it’s far too easy to hand your power over to another for healing. That’s why I want to embolden you to take that power BACK, and it all starts with busting these 10 myths.

Discover that you are NOT ALONE in your health journey challenges so you can understand your own body better.

Learn about some of the MYTHS we are taught as women around our health so you can feel empowered on your quest to take back your health.

Be reminded that you are UNIQUE in your quest for health so you can make choices that resonate with you individually.

Awaken to GREATER POSSIBILITIES for your own health so you can connect to your own body and your own innate wisdom.

Start your journey towards TAKING BACK YOUR POWER around your health and your journey in this life so that you can make choices that match who you are.

I’m Dr. Angela P. Lambert, a Naturopathic doctor, Classical Five Elements acupuncturist, massage therapist, Sundancer, Sacred Global Sisterhood facilitator and healer. I’ve spent the past 30+ years working with women who seek more than just a drug, supplement, or treatment plan. I’ve worked with women who know inherently that their bodies belong to them, but somewhere along the line, lost the confidence in their own ability to know and choose the best options for their own bodies. I want to embolden you to take that power BACK, encourage you to get to know yourself and your own inner knowing and make a stand for your own health.  

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